Tamu Lhosar in Nepal

Celebrating Happy Tamu Lhosar, a joyous occasion marking the new year for the Gurung community. Lhosar, denoting the new year, symbolizes the farmer’s connection to nature and weather over centuries. Despite diverse names, all Lhosars share the common purpose of welcoming the new year, and today, the Tamu community globally rejoices in this festivity.

Observed on Poush 15th, the cat year bids farewell, ushering in the vulture year. Tamu Hall Chonjadhi organizes a grand cultural exhibition in Tundikhel, featuring numerous participating organizations. This year, known as the “Mi Lho” in Gurung language, is dedicated to the vulture.

The significance of Tamu Lhosar predates Buddha’s arrival, with historical accounts revealing pre-Buddhist celebrations in Tibet. The Tamu ancestors migrated from Tibet in the 6th century, settling in Nepal’s high mountains and hills. Renowned for their courage and loyalty, the Tamu community has contributed significantly in various global conflicts, earning accolades as hardworking soldiers.

The festivities include adorned monasteries, colorful flags, and celebrations not only by the Tamu community but also by the Magar and Gurung communities in Nepal and Tibet. Blessings are extended for progress, prosperity, and happiness, along with gratitude for Mother Nature and favorable weather. Exchanges of greetings and gifts, dance, parties, and songs characterize the celebrations. Virtual Tamu idol competitions and dances continue, with the grand finale on this special day.

May the auspicious year of the Vulture bring joy and prosperity to all. Happy wishes to everyone on this Tamu Lhosar!
