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Monastery Circuit Trail Trek

25 Days

Monastery Circuit Trail Trek route covers the areas of lower Khumbu region, which is a mixed inhabited place of Sherpa and other ethnic groups. Khumbu is the home of Mount Everest and other beautiful peaks, and is one of the 50 famous mountain tourism sites in the world. This area has been decorated by the wonderful glacial lakes, rich biodiversity, unique culture,lifestyle, language and the traditional costume of different ethnic groups. Although Buddhism is the dominant religion in the area, Khumbu region is home to many ancient monasteries as well. During this trekking travellers will mostly explore Kurima, Jhylsa, Thupten Choling, Maratika, Kikidhung and en-route many more monasteries.

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Numbur Cheese Circuit Trek

18 Days

We do trek through deep river gorges, glacial lakes, terraced paddy fields, subtropical forests and Sherpa villages to Likhu Khola Glacier, watched over by the lofty peaks of Pathibara and Numbur. Trekkers can visit Nepal’s first cheese factory established in 1957 and the famous Thodung Monastery. Cultural customs surrounding Buddhism and Hinduism are another major attraction, but the most important reward of the whole experience is the chance to meet people from over 21 different tribal communities in one short trek, learning about them and their culture.
